Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Finally I have figured out my topic for my active learning project and its great to have something in concrete. I am going to meet with the library again on Thursday after I get off work and then make a game plan. I am going to use this blog post to answer a few questions...
What do I need to know to help the Library with this? How to scan on the machine I will be using. Therefore, I am going to meet with ther person who has offered to do a training with it. The library at first opted not to have the training so now the machine just sits in the back room with nobody using it! Hopefully, then I can also teach some of the staff how to use it for the future. What resources might be useful in conducting this project? I am going to also have to work alongside of the person who keeps the libraries website up. She will be useful in creating a place on the website for easy access to these documents. I also will probably work through many different technology difficulties because even though you want something to go smoothly...with me and never happens that way. So I may also utilize the IT department for the county. Is there anyone else I could talk with who has done this before? Not sure about this but I am interested in looking into Belk Library's section on this and probably contacting the librarians there. What might I need to consider in the design of the website? The website is already designed and I won't have control of that because the library pays someone to do that but for a while I think it would be useful to have a banner announcing the new link.
So for now I am excited that I can help the library advance by way of technology and also by way of preservation. Onward!!!

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