Sunday, September 21, 2008

Active Learning

I love the idea of Active Learning, because I really feel that this is the type of learner I am, however, it does take up soooooo much time. But it is time I love to spend because being a librarian is my dream. Today, my group met about our active learning projects and it was extremely productive. I am wanting to use a program called Ready, Set, Go that is a 3 part DVD series preparing parents and pre-k kids for school. It is recommened to be implemented into a public library and I thought I also could open a discussion board or wiki and even do it via virtual story time with the public library. I am not sure however how I can do this and must explore copyright. My boss is opposed to me ever doing anything related to school so even though Smart Start recommends doing it with a library he is opposed to letting me do it. He doesn't mind if our Child Care Resource and Referral does it but as Program Coordinator he doesn't want me to do it...which is my biggest hurdle. I mean it could be implemented with our CVCC staffed computer lab and offered as an online training to child care providers - I see this as program related! This is what I would love to do but it may not work out. Even if it doesn't I am meeting with the director of libraries for Alexander Co. next week to discuss what she sees as technology needs in the community. Something will fall into place :)

Monday, September 8, 2008


Last night I sat down and had some time to read. Therfore, I re-read chapter 1 and finished through chapter 8. Only a few more to go in Library 2.o. I have learned a ton and this is actually more interesting than I ever thought technology could be. I didn't have a hard time reading the chapters...except for the one on mashups. I think it is awesome how our world has evolved in to a world where all information is at your fingertips all the time basically. I also think it is awesome that Libraries are so involved in these technologies. I know that the idea of librarian has transformed from the "little old lady and card catelogs, boring and quiet spaces, to up-to-date and fast paced. I am going to really love this new adventure I have chosen for my life.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Interviews Finished

After completing 2 interviews I have some similar yet different informatin. It seems that both librarians I spoke with are pro technology. However, both noted that technology is expensive and also libary users do not always take to the new technology; therefore, comitting to purchase something new is always risky. Karen Foss who is Director of Libraries in Catawba County said that she purchased e-book readers a few years ago and they just didn't go over well with the community. So I guess the idea of taking into consideration the population and accessing the community is super important. Also, I noticed that both librarians used the norm: e-mail, website, e-newsletter, but neither had tons of understanding about all areas: wikis, blogs, etc. I think this says a lot about the communities in which these librarians work and the needs of these communities. Karen also said that when she first entered the field she didn't know much at all about technology but that she sees so much value in it that she always has trainings for her staff about new technologies. I think that her libraries are somewhat more progressive than in Alexander County, but again population being served is a huge issue. Most people in Alexander County are farmers or work in furnature and may not feel comfortable with computers. Sometimes its much easier to do things the old way because you know and understand that way. All in all technology has made life much easier in many ways for Karen and Melissa but both are thankful to have an IT department :) I learned about many awesome things while speaking with Karen though such as smart shoots that by way of RF-ID tags can scan and sort returned books and that you can download books on CDs and I-pods to listen to. I never even knew that! This was a great experience for me. And it excited me even more to take the classes and become a librarian!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I have successfully completed one Librarian interview and it was exactly as I expected. The Alexander County Public Library's Children's Librarian helped me out. Her name is Melissa Hagar and she explained that, as always in Alexander County, people are old fashioned, and hate change. However, she does see hope for the library in the future because they recently got a new director who isn't afraid of technology. She said, "These people would still have the old card catelogue drawers!" There is hope for this library though as the future looks optimistic by way of technology. I am going to do one more interview and I am sure the next one will be a more advanced library. But this is what I expected of Alexander County. I still believe they are all great people and librarians.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


As of today I haven't been able to interview a librarian. My neighbor is Karen Foss who is director of Libraries in Catawba County but I spent all weekend with a feaver and kidney infection so I wasn't able to interview her. I am also thinking of a few more options. I was alerted to a new position open in the Morganton Public Library the other day which I am going to investigate because I would love to go ahead and be in a library. Who knows though? I love the job I am currently at but just can't seem to get my boss to understand that education is a good thing. I will blog soon when I have completed my interview.