Thursday, September 4, 2008

Interviews Finished

After completing 2 interviews I have some similar yet different informatin. It seems that both librarians I spoke with are pro technology. However, both noted that technology is expensive and also libary users do not always take to the new technology; therefore, comitting to purchase something new is always risky. Karen Foss who is Director of Libraries in Catawba County said that she purchased e-book readers a few years ago and they just didn't go over well with the community. So I guess the idea of taking into consideration the population and accessing the community is super important. Also, I noticed that both librarians used the norm: e-mail, website, e-newsletter, but neither had tons of understanding about all areas: wikis, blogs, etc. I think this says a lot about the communities in which these librarians work and the needs of these communities. Karen also said that when she first entered the field she didn't know much at all about technology but that she sees so much value in it that she always has trainings for her staff about new technologies. I think that her libraries are somewhat more progressive than in Alexander County, but again population being served is a huge issue. Most people in Alexander County are farmers or work in furnature and may not feel comfortable with computers. Sometimes its much easier to do things the old way because you know and understand that way. All in all technology has made life much easier in many ways for Karen and Melissa but both are thankful to have an IT department :) I learned about many awesome things while speaking with Karen though such as smart shoots that by way of RF-ID tags can scan and sort returned books and that you can download books on CDs and I-pods to listen to. I never even knew that! This was a great experience for me. And it excited me even more to take the classes and become a librarian!

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