Monday, November 3, 2008

Active Learning Helps Here and Now

I think the active learning principal that Appalachian has is so helpful in learning and persuing a degree but also helpful in every day life. I have learned alot about technology and am able to use some of what I am learning in my role as Program Coordinator at Smart Start. I like that this can be something I can apply outside of the library. Now, of coarse not all classes will be this way but during research and exploration for my project I have learned that many things can help me in my current job. I am still in the exploration phase right now with my project. I have not been able to get the scanner in at the library that I will be using. I am in the process of asking the historial foundation about preserving the materials I will be handleing and in constant communication with the director. I think it may take longer to do this than I thought but it will be worth it in the end.

Recently I learned that I should be commenting more on the discussion boards. I have stepped up my game and began to do this.

This degree is so involved. I knew it would be more involved than undergrad but it seriously is tough getting everything and living an active life. It would have been easier going straigh through like my mom suggested but I wanted to get married and make some money before I began taking out more loans. I will complete this program...that's not a question, but I am just feeling the heat now that we are getting closer to the end of the semmester.

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