Saturday, November 15, 2008

New Scan

Friday I got a phone call from the librarian I am working with saying that she had just recovered a "much better" copy of the documents that I had already scanned. She thinks that they will be much easier to edit and enhance and wants me to use them instead...if time permits. So I told her yes, I could do that. I know the editing phase will take the longest...scanning is a no brainer really, but I want to have a really great copy when I get my project looks top notch. The editing I am using isn't going to make everything perfect, at least not in the way I know how to use it, if I were a computer guru maybe I could find ways to better enhance it but with my limited knowledge of Adobe Photoshop I am just going to do the best I can. I could have tried to take a class or something on Adobe but then I would have probably never gotten the project done. I am going to look and see if I can find any online training that will help me any or if just my basic skills will do. I think it is cool to still see that the documents are old so I don't want to take away too much of that character. This just goes to show that in all projects in life there is always a setback...I mean I have already edited some of the pages, however, I see this more as a way to help my project. Also, the librarian and I have debated putting the documents in a continual scrolling page with a PDF merge...I told her I wasn't sure then how the documentation would go and I thought it would be better for us to do seperate pages. If it is one continuous scrolling I would think it would be easier to miscitate something, but I have found many documents online that do this...just with the faded page numbers and some not even having numbers that are readable, I think this would be the best way to make citation easier for patrons.

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