Monday, November 24, 2008

Sent to Webmaster

I have officially sent the first set of documents to be put on the webpage to the County Webmaster. I am excited and the library Director - Phalbe is also excited. They turned out very well and I hope they are all up on the 2 websites before the presentation day of class. She said she called him today and he said they should be, but who knows? I am going to continue this project after class though because I have gained such a connection with the library that I just can't leave the project until it is completed the way we all see it being completed. Phalbe said she has ideas of other documents that deal with Alexander County history that we don't even have in the library being put up - because they have no copyright - but we have to go to some different libraries to get them because they won't give her an ILL. Which is the reason I decided to do this project in the beginning, because Alexander County Library wouldn't give these out on ILL - for good reason though and the same with these other documents that we don't currently have. I was really anxious about how this would turn out in the beginning. It seemed so big and daunting and I felt that every glitch somehow put me behind everyone else. But even with glitches, this project has helped me grow, as a professional, librarian, and as an action learner. I am now in the process of just waiting to hear back when everything is online and also getting together information to put on my board for presentation in class. So, almost one semmester down for MLS classes!!! I can't wait to be in a library!!!

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